• About Us

      Our Team

      Dr Frank Aswani

      Chief Executive Officer

      Nasri Adam

      Director, Impact & Communications (Pan-Africa) & Regional Director, East Africa

      Tochukwu Ezeukwu

      Regional Director - West Africa

      Matebe Chisiza

      Regional Director - Southern Africa
    • Our Impact Programs

      2024 Africa Impact Investing Fellowship

      Africa Climate Investing Forum

      African Healthcare Funders Forum

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Women Included: A gender sensitive approach to agribusiness investment

One of FMO’s aims is to actively contribute to reducing inequalities by, among other things, seeking investment opportunities that positively contribute to the full inclusion of women in economic, social and public life. 

Based on the findings and recommendations, in the next six months FMO will pilot the gender lens tool for Building Prospect investments in agribusinesses. In the medium term, this is expected to lead to concrete opportunities for FMO to improve gender equality in the agri space. FMO will also explore a recommendation to put in place an incubator facility to reach women-owned or led agri SMEs via local banks.

More info: https://www.fmo.nl/women-included

OECD/SWAC (2019), Women and Trade Networks in West Africa, West African Studies, OECD Publishing, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/7d67b61d-en.

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