• About Us

      Our Team

      Dr Frank Aswani

      Chief Executive Officer

      Nasri Adam

      Director, Impact & Communications (Pan-Africa) & Regional Director, East Africa

      Tochukwu Ezeukwu

      Regional Director - West Africa

      Matebe Chisiza

      Regional Director - Southern Africa
    • Our Impact Programs

      2024 Africa Impact Investing Fellowship

      Africa Climate Investing Forum

      African Healthcare Funders Forum

    • Upcoming Events

Social Impact Measurement and Management Online Course


Starting 3rd November 2020


VPA and Social Value UK will use their in-depth knowledge of the practice of social impact measurement and management to help you learn how to maximize the impact you are generating. Due to physical and travel restrictions related to COVID-19, we have adapted this training to a virtual course.

The start date of the course will be 3 November beginning with a 3-hour live session from 09:00 – 12:00 (CET). You will gain access to EVPA’s Learning Management System (LMS) for this course. The LMS will support participants by providing readings and assignments for an additional 2 hours a week over the course of two weeks in total. Three further live sessions will take place on 5 November (09:00-12:00, CET), 10 November (09:00-12:00 CET), and 12 November (10:00-12:00 CET). We will do our best to foster the most interactive and engaging online training, so you can get the most out of this learning experience.

For more information and registration click here