• About Us

      Our Team

      Dr Frank Aswani

      Chief Executive Officer

      Nasri Adam

      Director, Impact & Communications (Pan-Africa) & Regional Director, East Africa

      Tochukwu Ezeukwu

      Regional Director - West Africa

      Matebe Chisiza

      Regional Director - Southern Africa
    • Our Impact Programs

      2024 Africa Impact Investing Fellowship

      Africa Climate Investing Forum

      African Healthcare Funders Forum

    • Upcoming Events

Partnering To Crush The Curve: Mental Health & Wellness During COVID-19

Applying Impact Investing Strategies to the COVID-19 Crisis

The Bertha Centre and Impact Investing South Africa (IISA) hosted a webinar, titled Applying impact investing strategies to the COVID-19 crisis. The event focused on the relevance of public and private sector collaboration in COVID-19 emergency and recovery responses, highlighting the opportunities for private investors and philanthropic capital to contribute to recovery and stabilisation efforts.

The Landscape for Social Investments in West Africa

See the launch of AVPA’s landmark study, Landscape for Social Investments in West Africa, with highlights from the three regional reports discussed by our research team partners, Intellecap Advisory Services.

Primary Healthcare Impact Fund

Investing in Primary Health Care to Strengthen Health Systems across Africa Webinar on innovative financing for developing and scaling primary healthcare projects in Africa.

Blended Finance Opportunities To Meet the SDGs

The broader theme in having this virtual seminar series is about igniting thought leadership, collaboration and action around the adoption of innovative financing models that will help Kenya, and by extention East Africa, Build Back Stronger post COVID, while also achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). View Reports for more info