African Healthcare Funders Forum: Focus Group Report

This report captures findings from two Focus Group Discussions (FGD) held with key social investors on 10th March 2022 and 1st April 2022. The sessions, organized by the African Venture Philanthropy Alliance (AVPA) were part of a collaborative initiative between AVPA, Ashoka, and Social Innovation Circle that is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. The four organisations […]
The Landscape Study for Social Investments in Southern Africa

See the AVPA launch of the Landscape Study for Social Investments in Southern Africa, with highlights from the study discussed by our research team partners, Intellecap Advisory Services.
The State of Innovative Finance in South Africa

South Africa’s SDG Index Score is 63.7 out of 100, ranking 108 out of 163 countries, and is only on track to achieve two SDGs (gender equality and responsible consumption and production) by 2030. The country continues to struggle with social challenges, from rising youth unemployment, and strains on its utility infrastructure, particularly in the electricity and water sectors, […]