Widening and Deepening Impact through Innovative Solutions that Uplift the Marginalized
Andia Chakava is an Investment Director at the Graça Machel Trust and a global thought leader in gender lens investing Graça Machel Trust is a Pan-African advocacy organisation focused on child health and nutrition, education, women’s economic and financial empowerment, leadership and good governance. Over the last nine years, the Trust has worked to “Multiply […]
Solving Early Childhood Challenges in South Africa by De-risking Early-stage Product and Service Development
Innovation Edge is an impact-first investor focused on solving early childhood challenges in South Africa. Adliya van Niekerk is the Investment Principal at Innovation Edge where she leads the development and implementation of IE’s investment strategy to build an impactful portfolio and maintain a vibrant investment pipeline. A fellow of the Africa-Asia Impact Investing Fellowship, […]