Harnessing Africa’s Creative Economy: A New Horizon for Impact Investing

In the ever-evolving landscape of impact investing, one sector is emerging with compelling potential—Africa’s Creative Economy. The Creative Economy is defined by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), as being those sectors at the nexus of creativity, knowledge, and technology. It is comprised of diverse sectors including audio-visual media (like film and […]
Hope in adversity: A case for refugee financial inclusion (Last round of review)

No one dreams of displacement, yet unforeseen events can quickly upend lives. Whether it’s the armed conflict in Sudan, the devastating Russia-Ukraine standoff, or the growing incidents of flooding and drought driven by climate change, such crises compel countless people to leave their homes. By 2050, projections suggest that East Africa alone could see as […]
Impact Investment in Healthcare: The Case for Africa and the Underlying Gains

Big transitions, bold solutions, collective power, systematic change. These themes set the stage for the upcoming Impact Forum, a global impact investing event by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN). Within the African context, however, one must question if we have truly experienced the transformative power of impact investment, especially in crucial sectors like healthcare. […]