Global Responses to a Global Pandemic webinar series #3 Sharing African responses to COVID 19
As the global community for investors for impact, AVPA, AVPN, EVPA & IVPC (LatImpacto) are working together to share lessons and Investors’ for impact responses from across the world.
Applying Impact Investing Strategies to the COVID-19 Crisis
The Bertha Centre and Impact Investing South Africa (IISA) hosted a webinar, titled Applying impact investing strategies to the COVID-19 crisis. The event focused on the relevance of public and private sector collaboration in COVID-19 emergency and recovery responses, highlighting the opportunities for private investors and philanthropic capital to contribute to recovery and stabilisation efforts.
Innovative Finance: Hacking finance to change the world- University of Cape Town
To address global poverty – do we really not have enough resources or do we not have the right tools to allocate our resources? The tools of finance, when applied correctly, can be an enabler of social and environmental outcomes. This course is designed to give you the ability to build innovative financing strategies that […]