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      Dr Frank Aswani

      Chief Executive Officer

      Nasri Adam

      Director, Impact & Communications (Pan-Africa) & Regional Director, East Africa

      Tochukwu Ezeukwu

      Regional Director - West Africa

      Matebe Chisiza

      Regional Director - Southern Africa
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      2024 Africa Impact Investing Fellowship

      Africa Climate Investing Forum

      African Healthcare Funders Forum

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Guide to Legal Forms for Social Enterprises in South Africa

Investing for Impact Barometer

The African Investing for Impact Barometer is an annual publication launched by the Bertha Centre in 2013. It provides a snapshot of the growing investing for impact (IFI) market in Africa. Associate Professor Stephanie Giamporcaro, the academic scholar behind the Barometer, believes that by collecting publicly available information on the industry, and by publishing these […]

Innovative Health Financing Models for Universal Health Coverage in Kenya

The white paper brings out the need for innovative health financing models in Kenya and how these models can work towards achievement of Universal Health Coverage. It highlights that broader approach to look beyond social impact bonds and how models like Advance Market Commitments, Asset Lease Financing can facilitate better delivery of primary healthcare services […]

Mainstreaming Innovative Health Financing Models In Africa

It is becoming inevitable that for health financing interventions to be scalable, sustainable and resilient for future generations, infrastructure needs to be cost recovering, value driven and services delivered in partnership with the private sector and catalytic investment.The Report  provides a holistic approach based on key internal, external and environmental drivers that will facilitate scale […]

An East Africa Guide : Angel Investing During a Time of Crisis

There has been a lot of focus on how entrepreneurs can survive the Covid-19 pandemic. Entrepreneurs will need financing to get through this economic downturn. The authors’ perspective for this article is the investor side of the conversation. What are angel investors thinking about during this global crisis: Is now the perfect opportunity to invest? […]

An Assessment of Women Owned Enterprises in Developing Countries

This report is part of a wider study that aims to unpack the contribution of Gender Lens Investing in women’s economic empowerment, and builds on the existing literature on the understanding of the finance gap for women-owned enterprises in developing countries. It is based on insights gathered from 200+ women entrepreneurs across Kenya, Rwanda, India […]

KENYA Impact Investment Landscape

This report, based on essential work delivered by the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment strategic partners (Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs, Global Impact Investing Network, British Council) and other key players, provides an overview of the state of the impact investment sector in Kenya, looking at the five pillars of the impact sector ecosystem—supply […]

GHANA Impact Investment Landscape

Ghana’s strengthening economic environment, stable political environment and growing social enterprise sector render the country well suited to the development of an impact investment industry. But there are challenges mostly revolve around education and awareness raising. Similar to nascent impact investment markets elsewhere, significant time and attention must be devoted to explaining the often-confusing financial […]

Sankalp Africa Summit Post-Event Report 2020

This is a post-summit report from the Sankalp Africa’s 7th Africa Summit held in Nairobi Kenya. 1268 delegates from nearly 40 countries met to discuss, deliberate, and collaborate on the role of entrepreneurship in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The 2020 summit celebrated some of the most promising enterprises from across the continent. Agriculture, Livelihoods, […]

Impact of Covid-19 ON Consumers and Corporates in Kenya

With millions ill, hundreds of thousands of lives lost and markets reeling in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the globe continues to come to grips with the impact of the Novel Coronavirus. People’s health and well-being, as well as their behaviour and routines have been affected. Nendo, in response to this, has done a […]