• About Us

      Our Team

      Dr Frank Aswani

      Chief Executive Officer

      Nasri Adam

      Director, Impact & Communications (Pan-Africa) & Regional Director, East Africa

      Tochukwu Ezeukwu

      Regional Director - West Africa

      Matebe Chisiza

      Regional Director - Southern Africa
    • Our Impact Programs

      2024 Africa Impact Investing Fellowship

      Africa Climate Investing Forum

      African Healthcare Funders Forum

    • Upcoming Events

What other global networks is AVPA affiliated with?

What other global networks is AVPA affiliated with?

AVPA is part of a growing global network that currently includes: The European Venture Philanthropy Association (https://evpa.eu.com/) The Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (https://avpn.asia/) Latimpacto (http://latimpacto.org/en-us/About-us)

How does AVPA work with other networks across Africa (e.g. philanthropists, impact funds, private equity networks etc.)?

AVPA aims to be supportive, collaborative and additive to existing investor networks in Africa in the following ways: AVPA will connect and support providers of capital across all “silos” along the entire continuum of capital—from foundations to corporates, investors, family offices, DFI’s, Government to equity and debt providers. The AVPA network will also include networks […]